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    لتقليل تكلفة المعيشة والحد من التلوث البيئي، عليك استخدام خيارات موفرة للطاقة. وها هي سلسلة eDVR الجديدة كليًا من Hikvision التي تُعدّ قفزة هائلة إلى المستقبل في توفير الطاقة الأساسية

    بفضل تقنية محركات الأقراص الثابتة المضمَّنة التي وفَّرتها Hikvision، تدوم سلسلة eDVR الموفرة للطاقة هذه مدة أطول، كما أنها أكثر متانة وجودتها تماثل جودة مسجلات الفيديو الرقمية التقليدية أو تفوقها؛ وبذلك فهي تحسِّن تقريبًا كل تجربة للاستخدام. وتوفر سلسلة eDVR هذه، المدعومة ببرنامج Motion Detection 2.0، للمستخدمين مستوى جديدًا من سهولة الاستخدام والبساطة عند البحث عن لقطات الفيديو.

    تمتَّع بالثقة التي نمنحها لك بفضل إمكانات تخزين البيانات الموثوقة الموفرة للطاقة والتكلفة. تابِع القراءة لتكتشف سلسلة eDVR التي تناسب سير العمل لديك على أكمل وجه.

    Key features


    Eco-friendly and energy-efficient

    Compared to traditional DVRs, the eDVR series – thanks to eSSD technology – consumes less power. 

    The energy efficiency benefits your wallet. Estimates show that using an eDVR instead of traditional DVRs can reduce your energy consumption by nearly 45%. What’s more, the energy saved by an eDVR is nearly equivalent to all the energy absorbed by a mature tree in one year, which means a lot to the earth.


    An embedded solid state drive

    Hikvision uses embedded solid state drives in our eDVR series, delivering reliable storage for video monitoring with sustained performance and increased overall reliability. Users will save money and time – no HDD installation necessary – and enjoy a better DVR with extended capacities.


    A more durable DVR than ever

    If you're looking for rugged, reliable storage with long service life, the eDVR series has it.

     The eDVR series offers a high degree of reliability even in extreme operating conditions, which means an extended service life with less maintenance. Additionally, embedded SSDs are less prone to the mechanical problems that may occur with disk drives, and more tolerant to impacts and vibration


    Make the most of your storage 

    Beyond limiting the bitrate, Hikvision's Scene-Adaptive Bitrate Control also utilizes intelligent algorithms to guarantee video quality in critical areas. The overall bitrates feature smarter compression capabilities, making DVR storage predictable. How does that help? 

    Here's an example: when an eDVR analyzes an area with human beings or vehicles, it accurately allocates a higher bitrate to ensure higher video quality. A low-complexity scene with less or no motion will generate a stream with a lower bitrate. 


    One compact size fits all 

    The compact eDVR series can be held in the palm of your hand, which makes it easy to store in your workplace or home office. Put it anywhere even in tight spaces. When it's running, you will hardly notice it’s there. And when you need to access it, no heavy lifting is required.

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