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    Discover Hikvision's top-notch network cameras

    ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) enables cameras to read vehicle license plates using high-speed image capture technology. This technology automatically decodes the images into plain text and numbers. While ANPR is widely adopted in Access Control, System Automation, and Traffic Management, its full potential has yet to be realized.

    Discovering the Advantages of ANPR Cameras

    • Multi-lens models
    • Scenario-specific models
    • Switchable-intelligence models

    Two views in one camera

    These DeepinView Cameras come equipped with the 2-in-1 TandemVu design – combining two lenses and two sensors in one camera so that you get two video channels with one purchase. The dual lenses are smartly linked to make the system even more agile.


    Dual-tech, superior night vision

    These cameras support two of Hikvision’s proprietary low-light imaging technologies:

    ColorVu – Providing night images in colour with a fixed, F1.0 lens that lets in as much light as possible

    DarkFighter – Ensuring colour detail capture in nearly total darkness with two advanced sensors for Bi-Spectrum Image Fusion


    ANPR + Smart VCA analytics, multiple intelligence at once

    Traditional ANPR cameras are designed for capturing number plates only; The TandemVu cameras offer a complete wide view of the surroundings with smart VCA anayltics; the vari-focal lens is featured with ANPR capabilities, with optimised ANPR algorithm for Australia and New Zealand regions. 


    ANPR Cameras

    DeepinView Cameras equipped for Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) identify vehicles by reading their plate characters automatically at entrances & exits. High recognition accuracy is guaranteed at various angles and in varying light conditions. You can get clear nighttime images in spite of head lights or high beams.

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    Long Range Varifocal ANPR Camera

    The long-range Varifocal ANPR camera, equipped with a 4.7 to 118 mm motorized lens and 25x optical zoom, can detect number plates from up to 100 meters away. It features an Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) system with a gyroscope, ensuring the image stays stable even with a large zoom-in factor.

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    Solar-Powered ANPR Camera

    The Solar ANPR camera is designed to read vehicle number plates effectively. This cable and power-free video protection system operates on solar power and 4G transmission, ensuring seamless functionality. It features a flexible varifocal lens with a detection range from 3 meters to 30 meters. Moreover, its ultra-low power consumption and ultra-long battery life make it an efficient choice for surveillance needs.

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    Top-Rated Imaging Performance

    Surpassing earlier technology with a larger aperture, more lighting options, and other ways, Hikvision's DarkFighterS technology produces professional-quality color imaging in ultra-low light. Even in total darkness, users can still get sharply-focused HD images, whether in color or black & white.


    DarkFighterS technology features:

    text over image1821
    • Superb Low-Light Imaging

    • F1.0 varifocal lens and 1/1.8」 sensor ensure superb color reproduction at a wide range of focal lengths in ambient light as low as 0.0003 lux
    • Smart Hybrid Light

    • Three lighting modes offer color, black & white, or motion-triggered color imaging to suit virtually any need in any setting
    • Super Confocal Technology

    • Guarantees equally sharp night vision in IR or visible light, leading the industry by achieving a delicate & complex confocal effect with an F1.0 large-aperture lens
    • Superb Low-Light Imaging

    • F1.0 varifocal lens and 1/1.8」 sensor ensure superb color reproduction at a wide range of focal lengths in ambient light as low as 0.0003 lux
    • Smart Hybrid Light

    • Three lighting modes offer color, black & white, or motion-triggered color imaging to suit virtually any need in any setting
    • Super Confocal Technology

    • Guarantees equally sharp night vision in IR or visible light, leading the industry by achieving a delicate & complex confocal effect with an F1.0 large-aperture lens
    Simplified Installation and Use of Advanced Network Cameras

    Simplified installation and use

    No extra steps are needed to install these advanced cameras, and configuring their smart functions is simple, too. The models featuring motorized Pan, Tilt, Rotate, and Zoom (PTRZ) movement allow you to adjust your camera remotely at any time.

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