
Leitfaden zum STAR-Programm für soziale Zwecke 2023

Das STAR-Programm für soziale Zwecke von Hikvision zielt darauf ab, Spitzentechnologien bereitzustellen, die gemeinnützige Organisationen und Projekte dabei unterstützen, innovative Wege zu gehen, um Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen und unsere wertvolle Natur und Kultur zu schützen.


1. Unser Angebot

1.1 Products 

Mit seinem umfangreichen Hardware- und Software-Sortiment bietet Hikvision Produkte oder Hilfe zur Unterstützung ausgewählter Projekte.    

1.2 Solutions

Hikvision möchte mit AIoT-Lösungen ausgewählten Projekten mehr Komfort, Effizienz und Sicherheit ermöglichen.

1.3 Technologies

Mit mehrdimensionaler Wahrnehmung und anderen innovativen Technologien möchte Hikvision einen Beitrag zum Schutz des Lebens, der Umwelt und unserer Kultur leisten.


2. Main Focus Areas

2.1 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation

Die biologische Vielfalt ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für alles Leben auf der Erde und von entscheidender Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung. Hikvision möchte Biodiversitätsprojekten Technologien, Produkte und Lösungen bereitstellen, um ihnen eine bessere Beobachtung und den Schutz von Wildtieren zu ermöglichen, insbesondere in Bereichen wie

  • Überwachung von Wildtieren,
  • Digitalisierung zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt
  • und mehr.

2.2 Environmental Monitoring and Protection

Umweltschäden und Klimawandel stellen erhebliche Risiken für die Erde dar und sind für die Menschen rund um die Welt ein Grund zur Sorge. Hikvision hat mehrdimensionale Wahrnehmungstechnologien erforscht und fortschrittliche Anwendungsverfahren im Zusammenhang mit intelligenter Umweltüberwachung und Umweltschutz in verschiedenen Bereichen entwickelt, wie z. B.:

  • Überwachung der Luftqualität,
  • Überwachung der Wasserqualität
  • und mehr.

2.3 Cultural Heritage Preservation

Das Kulturerbe ist eine unschätzbare Ressource aus der Vergangenheit, es verbindet die heutigen Gesellschaften und muss an künftige Generationen weitergegeben werden. Hikvision möchte mit innovativen Technologien einen Beitrag zum Schutz unseres Kulturerbes leisten:

  • Schutz des historischen Erbes, 
  • virtueller Museumsbesuch
  • und mehr.

In addition to the main focus areas mentioned above, we also would like to know your suggestions or questions if you think Hikvision’s technology can make a positive impact in the field that you are concerned about.


3. Qualifications of the Applicants

The applicants must be established and existing in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country or region where they are located, which could be non-governmental organizations, public sector agencies, social enterprises, research institutions, universities and schools, etc. The applicants shall have the willingness to cooperate with Hikvision and use technology to address their challenges.

Currently, the Program does not accept individual applicants, but is limited to organizational applicants. The applicants must meet the following requirements:

a. Have full-time or part-time IT technicians

b. Have an organizational financial management system

c. Have at least 3 full-time employees


4. Basic Requirements for the Applicants

In addition to satisfying the above qualifications, the applicants must also meet the following basic requirements:

4.1 All information provided by the applicant must be authentic and credible. If the applicant is found to provide false information, Hikvision shall be entitled to permanently cease the cooperation with the applicant in the Program. 

4.2 The applicant must not engage in affairs, events, and behaviors of violence, pornographic activities, military, racism, sexism, environmental pollution, cruelty to animals, human rights abuse, privacy violation, etc.

4.3 In principle, an applicant can participate in one STAR project within one year. Hikvision encourages several organizations to participate in the same STAR project if they share the similar or complementary objectives, capabilities, and resources. In such case, the organizations can make a joint application.


5. Basic Process of Establishing the Partnership

5.1 Submission of applications

The applicant submits its basic information and raises its demand through the official website of Hikvision’s STAR Program for Social Good.

5.2 Preliminary assessment on qualification

Hikvision will contact the applicant within 7 working days after receiving the submission and conduct a preliminary assessment on its qualification.

5.3 Submission of detailed project application

After passing the preliminary qualification assessment, the applicant shall prepare the detailed project application based on further communication with Hikvision.

5.4 Compliance review

Hikvision will complete the compliance review within 7 working days after receiving the submission of the detailed project application.

5.5 Project assessment

Once the compliance review is passed, Hikvision will organize an expert panel to evaluate the feasibility of the project in terms of technical feasibility and project sustainability. As the requirements of each project differ in complexity, the applicant shall provide assistance to complete necessary field study if required.

5.6 Signing of partnership agreements

Hikvision provides a technical proposal for the project that has passed through the feasibility assessment. If agreed, the applicant shall sign the partnership agreement with Hikvision, and will obtain technical and product support from Hikvision. 


6. Confidentiality

6.1 Without the permission of the applicant, Hikvision will not to disclose any information about the applicant or the project to any third party, except for the strategic partners of Hikvision’s STAR Program for Social Good.

6.2 The applicant shall not disclose to third parties any information or materials related to Hikvision or provided by Hikvision, including but not limited to product designs, technical solutions, design drawings, instructional documentation, manuals, R&D plans, programs, software source code, object code, development kits, technical materials, business plans, business operating models, marketing strategies, sales plans, data, personnel arrangements, supplier information, customer information, financial information, terms and conditions of contracts, etc. as well as any other materials classified as 「Confidential」 or 「Restricted」 and all information contained therein.


7. Sonstiges

The right of final interpretation of the Guide and the Program resides with Hikvision.

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