
    What is eDVR?

    Hikvision Energy-efficient Digital Video Recorder

    To reduce your cost of living and minimize environmental pollution, making smart energy choices is crucial. Here comes Hikvision's all-new eDVR Series – a huge leap forward in essential power efficiency, a significant advancement in the DVR system.

    Thanks to Hikvision's embedded solid state drive technology, this energy-efficient eDVR Series offers extended durability and comparable or superior quality compared to traditional DVRs, elevating every user experience. Powered by Motion Detection 2.0 or AcuSense, Hikvision eDVR series also provides a new level of convenience and simplicity for users to search video footage.

    Gewinnen Sie Zuversicht durch energieeffiziente, kostensparende und zuverlässige Datenspeicherung. Lesen Sie weiter, um die eDVR-Serie zu finden, die am besten zu Ihrem Arbeitsablauf passt.

    What makes Hikvision eDVR series different?

    Umweltfreundlich und energieeffizient

    Thanks to advanced eSSD technology, the eDVR Series consumes less power than traditional DVRs, delivering both economic and environmental advantages. 

    • The energy consumption of an eDVR can be as minimal as 5.42 to 5.82 Watts, while A conventional DVR generally uses about 9.48 to 11 Watts. 
    • Users enjoy per-device energy savings of 40 - 45 kWh per year (equal to 3,000 smartphone charges)
    • Further underscoring Hikvision's commitment to sustainability, the eDVR packaging materials are biodegradable, demonstrating Hikvision's extensive efforts toward a greener footprint.

    Ein integriertes SSD-Laufwerk

    The embedded solid state drive delivers industrial-level storage for video monitoring with sustained performance.

    Users save money and time – no HDD installation necessary – and enjoy better DVR performance with extended capacities.

    • The 「screwless」 design makes tool-free installation possible
    • Reduces setup time by up to 70%
    hikvision edvr

    A DVR that’s more durable than ever

    Wenn Sie einen robusten, zuverlässigen Speicher mit langer Lebensdauer suchen, ist die eDVR-Serie genau das Richtige für Sie.

    • The eSSD’s structure increases its physical stability even in extreme operating conditions
    • More resistant to impacts and vibration
    • Extended service life and less maintenance
    • The eSSD’s durability has been confirmed by JEDEC (Global Standards for the Microelectronics Industry) through stress testing equivalent to 10 years of use
    dvr system

    Nutzen Sie Ihren Speicher optimal

    An eDVR’s storage is predictable thanks to Hikvision’s Scene-Adaptive Bitrate Control technology. Wozu ist das gut?

    Here's an example: When an eDVR analyzes a high-complexity scene, it accurately allocates a higher bitrate to ensure great video quality. A scene with fewer moving objects, or none at all, will generate a stream with a much lower bitrate.

    • Coding efficiency improves by 20%
    • Multiple storage periods are available, including 2-, 4-, and 8-week recordings 
    hikvision edvr

    Eine kompakte Größe für jede Anwendung

    The highly compact eDVR fits virtually anywhere. It can even be held in the palm of your hand!

    It’s easy to set up in your workplace or home office. Place the eDVR just about anywhere, even tight spaces. Sie werden sie kaum bemerken, wenn sie in Betrieb ist. Und wenn Sie einmal an das Gerät müssen, ist dafür keine besondere Anstrengung erforderlich.


    Hikvision Turbo HD eDVRs offer a diverse selection of models to meet various security requirements, ranging from 4-channel eSSD DVRs to 8-channel DVRs and beyond. The eDVR series encompass a wide range of solutions with advanced features and reliability, making it a preferred choice for various security applications. Explore further by selecting a specific DVR model below.

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