El patrocinador oficial de los Juegos Asiáticos de Hangzhou
Delivering reliable products and solutions is the foundation of our customers’ trust. So at Hikvision, we make it obvious that quality comes first in everything we do. At the same time, we continually employ innovative technologies to improve quality as well as our testing procedures, offering industry-leading products to the market. Ultimately, we judge our quality management by our customers’ satisfaction, since our goal is to meet their requirements and solve their problems.
Product life cycle quality implementation
We has established a comprehensive management system to thoroughly inspect the quality of all materials used in our hardware. We have implemented effective processes in the selection and certification of our suppliers as well. This process ensures that our materials meet the high standards our partners and customers have come to expect.
Even the quality of our designs undergoes rigorous technical review and testing. Our testing involves advanced methods and tools practiced in top-tier industries around the world, in order to ensure that products are launched only after full quality verification. We actively seek out first-rate resources to enhance our testing procedures.
The practice of "Intelligent Manufacturing" is a driving force behind our rapid and continual development. This advanced perspective will sustain our supply chain's competitive advantage. Hikvision oversight ensures that our various manufacturing bases meet the consistency and timeliness that customers around the world have come to expect from us.
Una gran gestión de calidad hace grandes productos
Nuestro Departamento de Pruebas ha desarrollado de forma independiente herramientas y dispositivos especializados para garantizar una preparación exhaustiva de todos nuestros productos. Además de un clima cambiante, los entornos especialmente hostiles plantean grandes desafíos para la confiabilidad del producto, como las grandes altitudes, la corrosión del agua de mar o los vientos polvorientos del desierto. Nuestras instalaciones de prueba incluyen equipos que simulan los entornos más duros que enfrentan los productos, asegurando su resistencia y durabilidad antes de acudir a nuestros clientes. El software del producto también se ha probado y evaluado por su funcionalidad, confiabilidad, seguridad y facilidad de uso. El control de calidad de Hikvision va más allá, porque su satisfacción es nuestro éxito.
Más videos sobre la calidad de nuestros productos
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