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  • Our approach to sustainability

  • Ever wondered how Hikvision is doing its bit for Mother Earth? Well, it's not by chance - it's a deeply ingrained part of our culture and everyday operations.

    We're not just sitting in our labs, inventing the next-generation security gadgets. We're also constantly striving to craft technologies and products that don't just benefit our partners and end users, but also the planet. We're digging into the low-carbon thinking and green practices that ensure we squeeze every bit of potential out of our resources. That's the Hikvision way.

  • Our approach to sustainability

    Ever wondered how Hikvision is doing its bit for Mother Earth? Well, it's not by chance - it's a deeply ingrained part of our culture and everyday operations.

    We're not just sitting in our labs, inventing the next-generation security gadgets. We're also constantly striving to craft technologies and products that don't just benefit our partners and end users, but also the planet. We're digging into the low-carbon thinking and green practices that ensure we squeeze every bit of potential out of our resources. That's the Hikvision way.

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  • Green manufacturing

  • We know that even small changes in our manufacturing processes can make a big difference. That's why we continue to research best practices to reduce waste and minimize footprint.

  • We know that even small changes in our manufacturing processes can make a big difference. That's why we continue to research best practices to reduce waste and minimize footprint.
  • Green manufacturing

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  • Cleaner Energy

    To increase the proportion of clean energy we use, in 2022 alone, Hikvision purchased 32,852 MWh of green energy, including solar, wind and hydro power, and generated 4,508.3 MWh of photovoltaic power ourselves.

  • Tonglu Manufacturing Complex
  • 9.118 MW of rooftop solar panels, with an expected annual power output of 8 million kWh
  • Cleaner Energy

    To increase the proportion of clean energy we use, in 2022 alone, Hikvision purchased 32,852 MWh of green energy, including solar, wind and hydro power, and generated 4,508.3 MWh of photovoltaic power ourselves.
  • Tonglu Manufacturing Complex

  • 9.118 MW of rooftop solar panels, with an expected annual power output of 8 million kWh

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  • Cleaner materials

    Wherever possible, we use clean materials in the manufacture of our products. For example, we use a no-paint process to minimize wastewater and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions when producing our speed gates and turnstiles.

  • No-Paint
  • Cleaner materials

    Wherever possible, we use clean materials in the manufacture of our products. For example, we use a no-paint process to minimize wastewater and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions when producing our speed gates and turnstiles.
  • No-Paint
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  • Greener packaging

    We maximize the use of eco-friendly materials in product packaging. Using folded cardboards instead of expanded polyethylene to cushion the interior of product packaging alone can reduce our plastic use by 27.9 tons per year.

  • Eco-friendly Materials
  • Greener packaging

    We maximize the use of eco-friendly materials in product packaging. Using folded cardboards instead of expanded polyethylene to cushion the interior of product packaging alone can reduce our plastic use by 27.9 tons per year.
  • Eco-friendly Materials
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  • Green operations

  • As an organization with a global reach, Hikvision understands the importance of ensuring that sustainability concepts are at the core of our daily operations around the world.

  • Green operations

  • As an organization with a global reach, Hikvision understands the importance of ensuring that sustainability concepts are at the core of our daily operations around the world.
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  • Smarter energy consumption

    AI-powered sensors detect the presence of people in meeting rooms and automatically turn off lights and air conditioning when a room is empty. Thanks to intelligent energy mgmt., Hikvision's energy consumption per unit of revenue continues to decrease over the years.
  • Sustainable water use

    When we design and build our office parks, we control the total amount of stormwater runoff and improve the way stormwater is recycled and reused for landscape pond replenishment, road washing, sprinkler irrigation, and more.
  • Smarter energy consumption

    AI-powered sensors detect the presence of people in meeting rooms and automatically turn off lights and air conditioning when a room is empty. Thanks to intelligent energy mgmt., Hikvision's energy consumption per unit of revenue continues to decrease over the years.

  • Sustainable water use

    When we design and build our office parks, we control the total amount of stormwater runoff and improve the way stormwater is recycled and reused for landscape pond replenishment, road washing, sprinkler irrigation, and more.

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  • Cloud-based R&D platform

    Providing 4,200 virtual machines on 500 computing service nodes, Hikvision’s R&D cloud platform cuts electricity consumption by nearly 5,000 MWh and carbon emissions by nearly 4,000 tons per year.
  • ‘Green Office’ initiatives

    We are implementing a paperless office philosophy. Where possible, meetings are held online and printed materials are replaced by their digital equivalents. We also launched a new business travel platform that promotes low-carbon mobility and hospitality.
  • Cloud-based R&D platform

    Providing 4,200 virtual machines on 500 computing service nodes, Hikvision’s R&D cloud platform cuts electricity consumption by nearly 5,000 MWh and carbon emissions by nearly 4,000 tons per year.

  • ‘Green Office’ initiatives

    We are implementing a paperless office philosophy. Where possible, meetings are held online and printed materials are replaced by their digital equivalents. We also launched a new business travel platform that promotes low-carbon mobility and hospitality.

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  • Green technologies

  • We prioritize and continue to implement technologies that optimize the energy consumption of our products, incorporating green thinking into technological innovation. By leveraging electric power-saving devices and green digital technologies, we are committed to further reducing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our product development.

  • Green technologies

  • We prioritize and continue to implement technologies that optimize the energy consumption of our products, incorporating green thinking into technological innovation. By leveraging electric power-saving devices and green digital technologies, we are committed to further reducing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our product development.

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  • Our CCTV camera without an external power supply,  Solar-powered Security Camera reduces electricity consumption by approximately 80 kWh per year.

    This innovative approach results in a reduction of about 56.7 kg of CO2 emissions per year for each camera, contributing to a greener and more sustainable environment.

  • Our CCTV camera without external power supply, the Solar-powered Security Camera reduces electricity consumption by approximately 80 kWh per year. This innovative approach results in a reduction of about 56.7 kg of CO2 emissions per year for each camera, contributing to a greener and more sustainable environment.

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  • The eDVR Series is another leap forward. Thanks to eSSD technology, an eDVR reduces energy consumption by almost 45% over conventional DVRs. The energy saved in one year is equivalent to what’s absorbed by a mature tree in the same period.

  • DarkFighterS technology produces color images in ambient light as low as 0.0003 lux, significantly delaying the need for additional lighting. In dark-ness, users can set motion-triggered supplemental lighting instead of “always-on” lighting to reduce energy use while maintaining security.

  • The eDVR Series is another leap forward. Thanks to eSSD technology, an eDVR reduces energy consumption by almost 45% over conventional DVRs. The energy saved in one year is equivalent to what’s absorbed by a mature tree in the same period.

  • DarkFighterS technology produces color images in ambient light as low as 0.0003 lux, significantly delaying the need for additional lighting. In dark-ness, users can set motion-triggered supplemental lighting instead of “always-on” lighting to reduce energy use while maintaining security.

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  • By simplifying the encapsulation with better dissipation, our LED displays with flip-chip COB can reduce power consumption by around 45% and screen body temperature by 5-10° C.

  • By simplifying the encapsulation with better dissipation, our LED displays with flip-chip COB can reduce power consumption by around 45% and screen body temperature by 5-10° C.

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  • We continue to optimize power consumption, too. For example, select Ultra Series Network Cameras feature a low-power mode. The camera continues to operate, but only captures images when events occur, saving enough energy to charge around 2,100 smartphones per year.

  • We continue to optimize power consumption, too. For example, select Ultra Series Network Cameras feature a low-power mode. The camera continues to operate, but only captures images when events occur, saving enough energy to charge around 2,100 smartphones per year.

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  • Green solutions

  • Hikvision seeks to provide greener solutions to help cities and communities achieve sustainability goals.

    To date, we have launched over 30 dedicated AIoT products and more than 200 deep learning algorithms.

  • Air quality monitoring
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Vehicle emission monitoring
  • Urban waste management
  • Green solutions

  • Hikvision seeks to provide greener solutions to help cities and communities achieve sustainability goals.

    To date, we have launched over 30 dedicated AIoT products and more than 200 deep learning algorithms.

  • Air quality monitoring

  • Water quality monitoring

  • Vehicle emission monitoring

  • Urban waste management

Sebagai pemimpin industri dengan jangkauan global, kami menyadari bahwa bahkan perubahan kecil dalam proses pengembangan produk kami dapat memberikan perbedaan yang besar. Itulah mengapa kami terus mengeksplorasi praktik terbaik untuk mengurangi limbah dan meminimalkan jejak kami, mulai dari saat produk berada dalam tahap prototipe hingga akhir masa pakainya.

Sebagai pemimpin industri dengan jangkauan global, kami menyadari bahwa bahkan perubahan kecil dalam proses pengembangan produk kami dapat memberikan perbedaan yang besar

Kami dengan cermat mempertimbangkan dampak lingkungan kami, mulai dari tahap desain produk. Kami telah menjelajahi berbagai cara untuk mengoptimalkan desain kamera keamanan kami, secara terus-menerus mencari keseimbangan antara kinerja produk dan efisiensi energi. Kami juga menggunakan simulasi 3D daripada prototipe fisik dalam tahap awal pengembangan kamera untuk meminimalkan limbah.


Kami juga telah memperkenalkan teknologi bersih dalam proses manufaktur kami. Sebagai contoh, kami menerapkan proses tanpa cat dalam pembuatan turnstile kami, menjaga dampak terhadap lingkungan seminimal mungkin dengan mengurangi pembuangan air limbah dan senyawa organik yang mudah menguap (VOC).


Pengemasan memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga produk kami tetap utuh selama pengiriman dan memberikan kesan pertama kepada pelanggan. Kami terus mengembangkan praktik pengemasan kami dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan bahan ramah lingkungan yang dapat terurai secara alami dan secara bertahap menghentikan penggunaan polivinil klorida (PVC).



Pendekatan kami dalam melindungi planet ini berpusat pada pengembangan teknologi dan produk inovatif yang membantu semua orang - mulai dari pelanggan hingga mitra - bekerja sama untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya dengan maksimal dan meminimalkan dampak kami terhadap lingkungan. Sementara itu, kami terus bekerja untuk mengurangi jejak kami di setiap tahap pengembangan produk dan operasi bisnis - mulai dari pemilihan bahan dan desain hingga praktik manufaktur berkelanjutan dan penerapan kantor yang rendah karbon.


Melakukan pengembangan produk yang ramah lingkungan

Market sentiment towards green practices and technology

In this asmag.com-Hikvision survey, 254 respondents offered valuable insights into the topic,

the significance attributed to sustainability, and its influence on their business and purchasing choices.

Mengeksplorasi operasi taman bisnis yang ramah lingkungan

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Pendekatan kami terhadap keberlanjutan

Di taman kantor kami, perangkat pintar yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) secara otomatis mengumpulkan pembacaan meter listrik dari berbagai lokasi. Data tersebut kemudian dikumpulkan ke dalam sistem manajemen energi untuk memberikan informasi dan memperbaiki langkah-langkah penghematan energi kami. Sistem manajemen energi ini telah meningkatkan efisiensi konsumsi listrik di taman kantor kami sebesar 10% sejak diterapkan.


Langkah-langkah serupa juga diambil di kompleks manufaktur kami. Sistem manajemen energi menggabungkan informasi tentang jadwal kerja dan pertemuan dengan status penggunaan yang terdeteksi melalui IoT dari fasilitas untuk menentukan berapa banyak pencahayaan yang terbuang sia-sia. Sistem secara otomatis mematikan lampu atau memberitahu personel terkait dengan rincian untuk meningkatkan penggunaan. Hanya di area pemeliharaan pabrik, pemborosan pencahayaan telah berkurang sebanyak 3,5 jam per hari.

Mengintegrasikan pemikiran ramah lingkungan ke dalam inovasi teknologi dan produk

Meningkatkan efisiensi energi dan menggunakan energi hijau sangat penting dalam mengurangi emisi karbon dan mengatasi perubahan iklim. Itulah mengapa kami memberikan prioritas dan terus menerapkan teknologi yang mengoptimalkan konsumsi energi dari produk kami.



Dengan menghilangkan kebutuhan akan pasokan listrik eksternal, Kamera Keamanan Berdaya Surya kami menggunakan sekitar kurang dari 80 kWh listrik per tahun. Sebagai hasilnya, satu kamera dapat mencegah sekitar 56,7 kg emisi CO2 per tahun.


Kami terus mengoptimalkan konsumsi daya juga. Sebagai contoh, beberapa kamera Jaringan Seri Ultra kami dilengkapi dengan mode daya rendah. Kamera tetap beroperasi, namun hanya mengambil gambar saat terjadi peristiwa, sehingga menghemat energi yang cukup untuk mengisi daya sekitar 2.100 smartphone per tahun.



Seri eDVR merupakan lonjakan ke depan lainnya. Berkat teknologi eSSD, eDVR mengurangi konsumsi energi hampir 45% dibandingkan dengan DVR konvensional. Energi yang dihemat dalam satu tahun setara dengan yang diserap oleh sebuah pohon dewasa dalam periode yang sama.



Dengan menyederhanakan proses pengapitan dan meningkatkan dispersi panas, LED displays kami dengan teknologi flip-chip COB dapat mengurangi konsumsi daya sekitar 45% dan suhu bodi layar sebesar 5-10° C.


Teknologi DarkFighterS menghasilkan gambar berwarna dalam kondisi cahaya lingkungan sekecil 0,0003 lux, secara signifikan memperlambat kebutuhan akan pencahayaan tambahan. Pada kondisi kegelapan, pengguna dapat mengatur pencahayaan tambahan yang diaktifkan oleh gerakan sebagai pengganti pencahayaan "selalu aktif" untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi sambil tetap menjaga keamanan.

Memberikan solusi ramah lingkungan untuk melindungi lingkungan kita


Memastikan lingkungan yang layak huni bagi semua orang adalah tantangan besar ketika urbanisasi berlangsung dengan cepat. Itulah mengapa Hikvision berupaya menyediakan solusi yang lebih hijau yang didedikasikan untuk kota-kota dan sekitarnya, membantu mereka mencapai tujuan keberlanjutan melalui tindakan konkret. Hingga saat ini, Hikvision telah meluncurkan lebih dari 30 produk AIoT khusus dan lebih dari 200 algoritma analisis cerdas untuk pemantauan kualitas udara dan air, pengamatan cuaca cerdas, pengurangan emisi kendaraan, pengelolaan limbah perkotaan, dan aplikasi perlindungan lingkungan lainnya.



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