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    Ringkasan Solusi

    Mencegah kerugian dan operasi yang efisien adalah dua perhatian utama semua operator pusat logistik. Karena itulah, Hikvision menawarkan solusi komprehensif untuk bisnis yang sibuk ini, dengan fokus pada empat komponen penting: meningkatkan keamanan secara menyeluruh dengan solusi keamanan terbaik, meningkatkan manajemen lalu lintas di pusat logistik, penjadwalan dermaga yang lebih baik, dan pelacakan paket setiap saat. Secara keseluruhan, solusi Hikvision bertujuan untuk membangun pusat logistik yang lebih aman dan lebih cerdas. 

    solution advanced map
    • 1

      General Security

    • 2

      Dock Management

    • 3

      Parcel Tracking

    • 4

      Traffic Management

    solution advanced map
    • 1
      General Security
    • 2
      Dock Management
    • 3
      Parcel Tracking
    • 4
      Traffic Management

    Keamanan pergudangan umum


    Dengan banyaknya orang, kendaraan, dan barang yang lalu lalang melewati pusat logistik setiap jam, penting untuk memastikan keamanan pusat logistik dan personelnya secara menyeluruh dengan efisiensi yang lebih baik. Mencegah pencurian barang atau kebakaran untuk meminimalkan kerugian adalah prioritas berikutnya. Di bawah ini, Anda akan melihat bagaimana teknologi canggih Hikvision mengatasi masalah-masalah ini dan isu lainnya. 

    Yang Kami Tawarkan

    Untuk meningkatkan keamanan umum pusat logistik dengan fokus pada personel, barang, dan kendaraan, Hikvision menawarkan fungsi-fungsi terkait yang didukung video, termografi, dan teknologi AI.



    • Pemantauan keamanan yang komprehensif terhadap personel dan barang bagi operator logistik
    • Perlindungan pengunjung dan staf dengan Kontrol Akses dan Manajemen Absensi Kehadiran otomatis
    • Pencegahan bahaya kebakaran tanpa sentuhan, bersifat preventif, dan tervisualisasi untuk meminimalkan hilangnya properti
    • Manajemen terpusat melalui Platform dan dasbor HikCentral untuk semua data dari kendaraan, karyawan, kejadian, alarm, dan lainnya, mendukung peningkatan efisiensi operasi dan pengambilan keputusan yang lebih cerdas


    • Pemantauan perimeter dan area utama menggunakan kamera termografis dan kamera panorama
    • Kontrol Akses dan Manajemen Absensi Kehadiran yang komprehensif dan cerdas menggunakan teknologi pengenalan wajah
    • Deteksi suhu gudang dan alarm yang tepat waktu untuk pencegahan kebakaran
    • Dasbor Logistik yang Divisualisasikan untuk pemantauan intuitif keseluruhan pusat logistik

    Dock management


    Loading and unloading cargo at the docks of fulfilment or distribution centers is a key step in the logistics process. Traditional logistics companies lack sufficient video recordings, especially when there is damage or loss of goods. They are also unable to track the status of each dock, likely due to heavy workloads and large numbers of docks to be managed. Therefore, optimizing dock operations and management is of paramount importance for enhancing efficiency for any growing business.

    What we offer

    The Hikvision Dock Management Solution helps managers create more efficient loading & unloading process, and aids in resource and vehicle allocations. It revolves around an intelligent, high-end Dock Camera that comes with tailored algorithms, such as ANPR technology, dock occupation detection, entry & exit detection, and more.



    • Complete video recording and quick searches for rapid handling of any issue
    • Comprehensive views of the loading and unloading process as video evidence
    • Better visibility over all docks via the Dock Map for maximum utilization rates
    • A Dock Management Dashboard that helps users better evaluate performance, balance workloads, and arrange manpower effectively
    • End-to-end solution for the complete vehicle management process to reduce dwell time and human error



    • ANPR technology helps staff locate relevant video clips quickly and precisely
    • Synchronized live-view and playback from conventional cameras inside and Dock Cameras outside
    • Real-time, visualized display of occupation status on the Dock Map
    • Complete and detailed statistics of vehicle operation time, wait time, etc., on the dashboard by dock and by company
    • Online booking of trucks and automated or assisted dispatch 
    Loading & unloading management solution

    Parcel tracking


    Every day, distribution center operators face challenges such as bad customer experience and complaints due to loss or damage of goods. Existing Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and video security systems are operated separately, which can result in a lack of video evidence and difficulty retrieving specific parcels or footage, along with difficulty tracking parcels on the conveyer belt due to its length and complexity.

    What we offer

    Hikvision provides a powerful, end-to-end, visualized parcel tracking solution to enhance supply chain monitoring while improving overall efficiency. Data from the video security system and the barcode read system are matched and archived in the HikCentral platform according to time, place, parcel ID, and video. What’s more, the video security system features wide integration with third-party barcode reading systems, expanding the flexibility.



    • Accelerating the handling of customer issues with a unified system and quick parcel video location based on parcel IDs
    • Tracking the whole process of parcel movement through any complicated conveyor system using a combination of machine vision and conventional cameras
    • Enable parcel quantity counts and timely discovery of parcel loss or omission with a unified HikCentral platform to manage all systems



    • Targeted parcel video search at check points makes for quick handling of issues
    • Interconnected video nodes across conveyer belts provides whole-process tracking
    • Parcel handling statistics at each node enables quantity verifications against other systems

    Logistics park traffic management


    Driving over the speed limit or illegal parking in prohibited inside logistics parks can lead to disastrous results, especially during the transportation of precious or hazardous cargo.

    What we offer

    Hikvision's specially designed traffic management products standardize driving and improve vehicle management within logistics parks, immediately creating a safer, simpler, and more efficient environment.



    • Effectively measures vehicle speed on internal roads, giving out timely warnings to reduce traffic accidents
    • Detecting vehicles parking in restricted areas and notifying the security staff to steer drivers to safety, improving park traffic efficiency and security



    • Speed measurement solution based on advanced video capturing and speed detection technologies
    • Illegal parking detection
    • Instant alarm notifications for prompt actions

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