
Gambaran Solusi

Pengejaran global terhadap energi bersih semakin mendapatkan perhatian, dengan pembangkit listrik tenaga air muncul sebagai pilihan ideal karena kemampuannya menghasilkan daya secara stabil dan sifatnya yang ramah lingkungan.

Solusi canggih dari Hikvision menggunakan teknologi pintar dan produk AIoT untuk meningkatkan keamanan serta memastikan operasi dan manajemen yang efisien dan hemat biaya. Baca selengkapnya untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.

solution advanced map
  • 1

    Reservoir & Dam

  • 2

    Step-Up Substation

  • 3

    Field Operation Area

  • 4

    Perimeter & Entrance

  • 5

    Control Center

solution advanced map
  • 1
    Reservoir & Dam
  • 2
    Step-Up Substation
  • 3
    Field Operation Area
  • 4
    Perimeter & Entrance
  • 5
    Control Center

Reservoir & Bendungan


Kapal yang berlayar di dalam reservoir menimbulkan risiko tabrakan dan mengganggu operasi pembangkit listrik. Pemantauan dan pengelolaan yang efektif sangat penting untuk menjaga efisiensi.

Apa yang Kami Tawarkan

Hikvision menawarkan solusi yang menyediakan deteksi dan peringatan tepat waktu untuk kejadian yang mengancam operasi yang aman, memungkinkan penyelesaian cepat terhadap potensi masalah, serta meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.

Unauthorized ship detection

Deteksi Kapal Tanpa Izin

Thermal Panoramic Scanner dari Hikvision menyediakan cakupan 360° secara terus-menerus tanpa titik buta. Dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi radar, kamera PTZ terdekat menangkap rekaman dari berbagai sudut, melindungi reservoir sepanjang waktu.

Water level detection

Deteksi Level Air

Kamera PTZ Radar-Assisted Water-Level Detection mengintegrasikan persepsi video dan radar gelombang milimeter untuk pemantauan level air yang presisi tinggi, sepanjang waktu, dan tanpa kontak langsung. Kamera ini mengirimkan peringatan secara real-time ke platform ketika level air melebihi ambang batas keamanan.

Pengukuran Aliran Air

Pengukuran Aliran Air

Radar Flowmeter mengukur kecepatan aliran permukaan air dan level air secara real-time serta menghilangkan alarm palsu yang disebabkan oleh kotoran di dalam air, membantu pengambilan keputusan untuk pengendalian banjir dan pencegahan bencana.

Displacement monitoring

Pemantauan Perpindahan

Kamera PTZ Deteksi Perpindahan menggabungkan teknologi GNSS dan video untuk memantau perubahan geologis secara efektif dan mencegah bencana.

Pemantauan Bawah Air pada Inlet

Pemantauan Bawah Air pada Inlet

Rak sampah di inlet menyaring puing-puing besar untuk mencegah kerusakan turbin. Kamera Bawah Air membantu dalam memantau rak-rak ini, memungkinkan pemeliharaan dan pembersihan yang tepat waktu.

AR live interaction

Interaksi Langsung AR

· Akses pandangan dari atas melalui peta langsung

· Mengintegrasikan aset utama dengan data video dan produksi

· Pengguna dapat dengan cepat mengakses lokasi apapun dengan satu klik

Step-Up Substation


Electrical substations face complex operations, and harsh environments can complicate on-site management and supervision.

What we offer

Hikvision uses cutting-edge technologies and products to ensure smooth electrical operations, helping managers predict and address risks faults.

Industrial thermography

Industrial thermography

Detects temperature anomalies and fires in the early stages and sends timely notifications, minimizing losses and unnecessary downtime. 

· Facilitates early fault detection by monitoring equipment surface temperatures
· Provides data for predictive maintenance through continuous temperature monitoring

AI-powered gauge reading

AI-powered gauge reading

Empowers cameras and edge devices with AI capability to detect electrical asset status in substations.

· Enables easy remote gauge reading with macro cameras and DeepinMind NVR
· Uploads instrument readings to the platform, reducing frequent on-site visits

Field Operation Area


Conducting field operations in remote areas can be hazardous, and irregular procedures may pose risks to personnel.

What we offer

Hikvision’s intelligent products and technologies efficiently protect personnel safety and standardizes operational processes.

Real-time process recording

Real-time process recording

Improves operational efficiency and management.
· Portable Cameras record operations from the worker’s or a third-person view
· The control center can verify safety procedures and offer assistance via a two-way intercom

PPE & safety operational detection

PPE & safety operational detection

Reduces risks and enhances personnel safety.
· AI-powered products ensure the use of helmets and other protective gear
· Detects falls, improper equipment placement, and other potential risks in real time
· Timely alarm notifications enable managers to respond quickly

Advanced access control for critical areas

Advanced access control for critical areas

Ensures compliance with safety procedures.
· Verifies permissions and belongings at entrances
· Provides real-time security footage and information display

Perimeter & Entrance


Unauthorized personnel and vehicles can threaten the safety of the hydroelectric plant’s large perimeter area.

What we offer

Hikvision’s AI-enabled cameras, radar and other technologies enhance perimeter protection and streamline vehicle and personnel management, improving traffic efficiency and ensuring seamless power generation.

Vehicle management

Vehicle management

Facilitates quick entry and exit for internal and visitor vehicles.
· Flexible and smart barrier gate system
· Accurate detection with radar-triggered cameras
· Hazmat vehicle access via designated entrance after identity verification and reservation

Employee and visitor management

Employee and visitor management

Enhances security and efficiency in personnel access.
· Role-based access permissions
· Biometric verification using multiple methods
· Online visitor management with detailed records

Perimeter protection

Perimeter protection

Prevents security threats with a range of solutions for real-time monitoring of unattended areas.
· Thermal cameras: 24/7 real-time monitoring even in harsh weather and low light
· Radar & PTZ linkages: multi-angle footage for comprehensive video evidences

Control Center


Efficient centralized management is critical for hydroelectric plants. Without it, essential tasks like monitoring, equipment maintenance, and emergency repairs become manual, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

What we offer

Hikvision provides a comprehensive platform for data visualization and analysis, enhancing incident response and maintenance efficiency.

Visualized dashboard

Visualized dashboard

Provides clear insights with visual data.
· Real-time monitoring and quick emergency response for managers
· High-performance video wall for easier management

Inspection management platform

Inspection management platform

Offers efficient and streamlined inspection management.
· Uses HD images captured automatically for routine inspections
· Manages device allocation and inspection planning online with HikCentral Platform
· Expandable to support business growth

Product Recommendation


46 inch 2.5mm LCD Display Unit

HikCentral Professional V2.5.0

HikCentral Professional – Hikvision’s security management software

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