
Solution overview

Every day, highways around the world get drivers and passengers to their destinations at high speeds. As a small part of the overall road system, they carry huge numbers of vehicles – and those numbers are always increasing. However, the amount of vehicles on the road is increasing faster than the safety and supervision of those highways. 


Highways are often congested during holidays, and violations such as speeding, crossing the gore area, emergency lane occupancy, illegal phone use, and seatbelt violations occur frequently. Limited means of monitoring on major sections of highways, fragmented data managed by separate departments, and unintelligent software all contribute to greater safety risks. Meanwhile, law enforcement disputes are cause by manual intervention. But there is a solution.


Hikvision’s Highway Solution covers all the integrated components of a highway system, keeping traffic flowing and helping people travel safely every day. 

solution advanced map
  • 1

    Highway toll stations

  • 2

    Highway traffic lanes

  • 3

    Highway ramps

  • 4

    Highway shoulders

  • 5


  • 6

    Highway command centers

solution advanced map
  • 1
    Highway toll stations
  • 2
    Highway traffic lanes
  • 3
    Highway ramps
  • 4
    Highway shoulders
  • 5
  • 6
    Highway command centers

Highway toll stations


The huge numbers of vehicles entering and exiting highways every day requires stricter supervision and faster processing. The conventional solutions are often lax and inefficient.

Hikvision のソリューション

Real-time vehicle data capture cameras with an intelligent data processing system improves efficiency for highway toll stations and collects evidence to back trace suspicious incidents.


Vehicle characteristic information detection



  • Associates vehicle license plate with toll collection system to improve traffic flow and payment process
  • Quickly locks on suspicious vehicles through real-time comparison, controls such vehicles at checkpoints



  • Recognizes license plate, color, type, & brand of vehicles
  • Detects structured data for live comparison and history search
  • Supports third-party software integration to work with local toll collection systems
Solution with capture units
Solution with all-rounder traffic cameras

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Highway traffic lanes


Speeding vehicles and reckless driving on highways can cause serious damage. Lack of violation detection and slow response times also pose a real concern. Meanwhile, traffic authorities lack a mechanism to predict traffic flow, and highways are often congested on holidays. 

Hikvision のソリューション

Hikvision Speed Monitoring System calculates vehicle speeds in real time, collecting evidence of speeding for violation deterrence and law enforcement. Hikvision Traffic Information Detection System calculates live traffic data and helps traffic police teams make better traffic guidance decisions.

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Highway ramps


Violations such as weaving out of the lanes and parking in highway gore areas happen more frequently near on- and off-ramps, which only increase accidents and congestion. Highway management simply cannot have police officers dispatched at every ramp, every day, and therefore lack evidence to respond to violations.

Hikvision のソリューション

24/7 live video on highway ramps captures violations and collects evidence in high definition for suitable response, and to urge drivers to follow rules and regulations.

Crossing gore area detection



  • Regulates driving behaviors at ramps, reduces ramp violations to reduce the traffic accident ratio, and improves traffic safety
  • Reduces enforcement disputes caused by manual intervention to enhance efficiency
  • Standardizes law enforcement processes



  • Detects cross gore area violations and records the whole violation process at the entrance & exit ramps of highways
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, vehicle color, make, type

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Highway shoulders


Where driving on highway shoulders is against rules and regulations, it still happens especially during congestion or auto accidents. It often blocks police vehicles and rescue vehicle for emergency use which leads to more congestion and even personal injuries and economic losses. 

Hikvision のソリューション

24/7 live video captures violation behaviors and collects evidence in high definition for suitable response, warning drivers on the highway shoulders and easing the strain on law enforcement personnel. 


Vehicle feature information detection



  • Quickly locates vehicles on highway shoulders, warns driver and/or automates citations to keep shoulders clear, making sure emergency vehicles can pass
  • Driving practices and vehicle feature information are combined to locate evidence quickly and accelerate incident resolution



  • Recognizes license plate (LPR accuracy > 98%), vehicle color, type, make
  • Collects structured data for live comparison and history search
  • Creates automated citations for violations on highways
Solution with capture units
Solution with all-rounder traffic cameras

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Most tunnels are prone to challenging traffic and light conditions, causing higher accident ratios. Traditional monitoring cannot detect incidents and anomalies and thereby miss the best opportunity to minimize dangers such as accidents or unexpected roadblocks.

Hikvision のソリューション

24/7 all-weather incident detection pushes instant alarms to highway management, helping onsite teams to accurately locate and rapidly resolve safety issues. 

Incident detection



  • With incident detection devices, highway managers can acknowledge road conditions in real time and handle incidents that could cause accidents, ensuring road safety and efficient traffic flow
  • Driving practices and vehicle feature information are combined to locate evidence quickly and accelerate incident resolution



  • Detects smoke in tunnels to promote safety and prevent injuries or damage
  • Detects fallen objects, pedestrians, and parking violations to prevent collisions, accidents, and injuries
  • Detects illegal lane change of vehicles which will be easy to cause traffic accidents
  • Detects multiple other incidents, including road construction, congestion, weaving out of the lane, wrong-way driving, etc.
Solution with traffic incident detection servers
Solution with all-rounder incident detection cameras

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Highway command centers


A highway command center is essential for management, covering daily routines like ticketing and emergency handling. Current third-party systems in command centers lack of a standard platform to manage large numbers of devices and complicated logic processes.

Hikvision のソリューション

Hikvision software and hardware are highly integrated as one full-stack system, making it easy to deploy. Our modular and customized system covers all kinds of highway scenarios.



  • Hikvision VMS provides a variety of functions that centralize the huge amounts of complex highway data
  • The command center helps management comprehend real-time highway status for smart decision-making and efficient enforcement, enhancing safety levels by reducing serious accident ratios and keeping traffic flowing



  • Centralized System: Manages all devices,gathers notifications and alarms in one place
  • Vehicle Attribute Searching: Utilizes license plates or other information to rapidly locate vehicles
  • Violation Management: Manages violations with improved enforcement efficiency
  • Dashboard: Provides integrated key information on dashboard,helps management team to understand the overall status and make smarter decisions

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