
Genel Bakış

Güvenlik gereksinimleri farklılık gösterebilir. Bu nedenle Hikvision, ağ kameralarını genel video gözetiminden, yapay zeka algoritmalarına dayanan video içerik analizlerine kadar çeşitli ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde tasarlar ve özelleştirir. Depolama ve bant genişliği gereksinimlerini en aza indiren, akıllı kararlar almanıza yardımcı olmak için yüksek verimli analizler sunan ve farklı veya çok düşük aydınlatma koşullarında bile yüksek kaliteli görüntüler sunan ağ kameralarımız, yüzlerce uygulama senaryosu için ideal seçimdir.

Product categories

DeepinView Series

Whether it’s a camera focusing at people or vehicles, the DeepinView Series always try to see more with its Deep Learning technology inside. DeepinView cameras can offer the insight you need to build a smarter and safer world. 

Special Series

Designed for unique purposes and scenarios, Hikvision's Special Series is integral to reliable network video solutions that require more than standard network cameras can offer. hhh

Pro Series (EasyIP)

With a perfect balance of performance and value, Hikvision Pro Series network cameras aim to provide just the right components, including intelligent features that are affordable and easy to use.

Wi-Fi Series

This series uses Wi-Fi to allow for easy installation and to provide stable and high quality images.

Panoramic Series

The all-in-one Hikvision Panoramic Series cameras can capture excellent panoramic images as well as close-up images to give consideration to both a panorama and detail. 

Ultra Series (SmartIP)

Combining low-light surveillance and high-definition recognition, Hikvision Ultra Series can easily meet the requirements of enterprise projects with surprisingly high performance.

Value Series

Great performance-to-price surveillance at affordable prices.

Solar-powered Series

This Solar-powered series perfectly suits areas where other power supplies and Ethernet cables cannot reach, but demand robust performance.

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