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    HikCentral Professional


    HikCentral Professional nabízí několik možností integrace, které se rozšiřují tak, aby se přizpůsobily systémům třetích stran různého druhu.



    Mobile security solution


    TelescopicMast - Mobile Security Box


    TelescopicMast is a manufacturer and supplier that is dedicated to developing and producing mobile security boxes which are designed for rapid deployment at site locations where security monitoring is essential. 


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    Construction Site Solution



    Evercam Construction Time-Lapse


    Evercam is a project management & time-lapse solution designed for construction companies. It works with 8MP+ Cameras and it is powered by A.I. Machine learning to provide real solutions for the problems faced on construction sites everyday. It integrates with BIM and other Construction Industry Software such as ProCore, BIM360, PowerBI, Sharepoint, Zutech and others.


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    Cloud Solution





    Ivideon is an intellectual vSaaS solution with more than 4 000 000+ users in 100+ countries. It was founded in 2010 by the progressive engineers to help solving various marketing, security and technical issues of modern businesses. Ivideon provides a cloud-based platform for ANPR management captured by Hikvision ANPR cameras. 


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    Intrusion Detection



    Scylla – Intrusion Detection and Perimeter Protection


    This solution reduces false alarms by up to 99.95%. Along with that, it detects intruders in real-time and identifies them with the help of facial recognition. It also detects social distance compliance and a wide variety of firearms, suspicious objects, and personal protective equipment.


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    Retail Digital Signage



    NDS – Social Safety Signage


    With this solution, users create a safer environment in the New Normal for everyone around. You can use signage to inform people about the measurements you're taking and prevent exposure to unnecessary risks, then detect abnormalities right when they occur and respond with appropriate action.


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    Mobile security solution


    TelescopicMast - Mobile Security Box


    TelescopicMast is a manufacturer and supplier that is dedicated to developing and producing mobile security boxes which are designed for rapid deployment at site locations where security monitoring is essential. 


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    Construction Site Solution



    Evercam Construction Time-Lapse


    Evercam is a project management & time-lapse solution designed for construction companies. It works with 8MP+ Cameras and it is powered by A.I. Machine learning to provide real solutions for the problems faced on construction sites everyday. It integrates with BIM and other Construction Industry Software such as ProCore, BIM360, PowerBI, Sharepoint, Zutech and others.


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    Cloud Solution





    Ivideon is an intellectual vSaaS solution with more than 4 000 000+ users in 100+ countries. It was founded in 2010 by the progressive engineers to help solving various marketing, security and technical issues of modern businesses. Ivideon provides a cloud-based platform for ANPR management captured by Hikvision ANPR cameras. 


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    Intrusion Detection



    Scylla – Intrusion Detection and Perimeter Protection


    This solution reduces false alarms by up to 99.95%. Along with that, it detects intruders in real-time and identifies them with the help of facial recognition. It also detects social distance compliance and a wide variety of firearms, suspicious objects, and personal protective equipment.


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    Retail Digital Signage



    NDS – Social Safety Signage


    With this solution, users create a safer environment in the New Normal for everyone around. You can use signage to inform people about the measurements you're taking and prevent exposure to unnecessary risks, then detect abnormalities right when they occur and respond with appropriate action.


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    Jsme odhodláni řešit problémy a potřeby v oblasti parkování společnými silami.

    Parking lot monitoring

    Parking lot monitoring

    Parking Detection systems monitor the actual occupancy of a parking lot, provides its managers with valuable information, and navigates drivers all the way to an empty parking spot.

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    Parking space management

    Parking space management

    Parquery identifies any object in the imaging captured by any security camera included in a parking lot system. Real-time results are therefore provided on the availability of each parking spot, and more.

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    Automatic number plate recognition

    Automatic number plate recognition

    ivideon provides a cloud-based platform for ANPR management captured by Hikvision ANPR cameras. 

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    Automatic number plate recognition

    Automatic number plate recognition

    The ANPR Plugin sends license plate data to the Milestone XProtect VMS, allowing the operator to search for and identify vehicle license plates from live and recorded video in XProtect Smart Client. 

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