
סקירת הפתרון

קהילות עירוניות הן המקום שבו מספר רב של אנשים ברחבי העולם עובדים, חיים ומשחקים. כדי לעמוד בדרישות התחבורה של אנשים וכלי רכב, לכבישים עירוניים יש את היכולת להגיע לכל חלקי העיר ולהתחבר לכבישים לכל יעד. 


אבל עם תדירות נסיעה גבוהה, כבישים עירוניים עמוסים לעתים קרובות בשעות השיא של ימי חול. עבירות כגון ריצה באור אדום, אי מעקב אחר שלטי ההכוונה, נהיגה במהירות מופרזת, חציית אזור אסור, שימוש לא חוקי בטלפון ועבירות של חגורות בטיחות מתרחשות לעתים קרובות. אמצעי ניטור מוגבלים בקטעים מרכזיים של כבישים עירוניים, נתונים מפוצלים המנוהלים על ידי מחלקות נפרדות ותוכנות לא אינטליגנטיות כולם תורמים לסיכוני בטיחות גדולים יותר. בינתיים, מחלוקות של אכיפת החוק נגרמות על ידי התערבות ידנית. אבל יש פתרון. 


פתרון הכבישים העירוניים של Hikvision מספק ניטור רב זירות, פיקוח על נהיגה בלתי חוקית ופלטפורמות תוכנה חכמות כדי לצמצם עבירות, להגן על אזרחים ולשמור על בטיחות הכבישים בעיר. פתרון זה מסייע באופן משמעותי לשיפור זרימת התנועה ומעלה את רמות הבטיחות בכל מקום בו הוא מיושם.

solution advanced map
  • 1


  • 2

    צירי תנועה

  • 3

    נתיב תחבורה ציבורית

  • 4

    שולי דרכים עירוניים

  • 5

    צומת מעברי חציה

  • 6

    איזור יציאה

  • 7

    מרכזי שליטה

solution advanced map
  • 1
  • 2
    צירי תנועה
  • 3
    נתיב תחבורה ציבורית
  • 4
    שולי דרכים עירוניים
  • 5
    צומת מעברי חציה
  • 6
    איזור יציאה
  • 7
    מרכזי שליטה



צמתים הם המקום שבו רכבים והולכי רגל מתכנסים, פונים ויוצאים. התנועה עמוסה מאוד. תאונות דרכים כאן שכיחות עקב עבירות נהיגה, גרימת עומס, פציעה אישית או אובדן רכוש. היעדר ראיות להפרה מקשה על התגובה וסיכונים בלתי נמנעים.

ההצעה שלנו

וידאו חי בצמתים 24/7 לוכד עבירות ואוסף עדויות ברזולוציה גבוהה לראיות. המצלמות יכולות לשמש גם כאזהרה לנהגים המפרים את חוקי התנועה.

זיהוי עבירת צומת 



  • מסדיר את התנועה, מפחית עבירות כבישים כדי להפחית את שיעור תאונות הדרכים
  • משפר את הבטיחות והסדר בתנועה, מעניק ערובות בטיחות לנהגים והולכי רגל
  • מונע סכסוכים בין המשטרה לאזרחים ומשפר את היעילות
  • תקנו את אכיפת החוק



  • מזהה מגוון עבירות תנועה כולל מעבר ברמזור אדום, נסיעה לא בכיוון התנועה, אי מעקב אחר תמרור הכוונה, החלפת נתיב לא חוקית, יציאה מהנתיב, מהירות מופרזת וכו'.
  • לוכד נתוני תכונות רכב בשפע - LPR, צבע רכב, מותג, סוג
  • תכנון הכל באחד מפחית את עלויות ההתקנה
פתרון עם יחידות לכידה
פתרון עם מצלמות תנועה אופטימליות

מקורות קשורים

יתכן ותתעניינו

Traffic lanes


Speeding vehicles and reckless driving on urban roads can cause serious damage. Lack of violation detection and response is also a primary concern. Meanwhile, traffic authorities lack a mechanism to predict traffic flow, and traffic lanes are often congested on holidays. 

ההצעה שלנו

Hikvision Speed Monitoring System calculates vehicle speeds in real time, collecting evidence of speeding for violation deterrence and law enforcement.

Hikvision Traffic Information Detection System calculates live traffic data and helps traffic police teams make better traffic decisions.

  • Checkpoint speed measurement
  • Portable speed measurement
  • Vehicle feature infromation detection
  • Traffic data information detection


  • Regulates driving, reduces speeding violations to reduce traffic accident ratio and improves main road traffic safety
  • Warns drivers to slow down in advance at the entrance of tunnels and more
  • Reduces enforcement disputes caused by manual intervention to enhance efficiency
  • Standardizes law enforcement processes



  • Detects speeding vehicles, provides forensic evidence, locates suspect’s routes. High speed measurement accuracy with deviation of -4 to 0 km/h.
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, speed, vehicle color, make, type. Phone use, seatbelt status and other violations detection
Solution with all-rounder traffic cameras



  • Regulates driving, reduces speeding violations to reduce traffic accident ratio and improves main road traffic safety
  • Reduces enforcement disputes caused by manual intervention to enhance efficiency
  • Flexible deployment and flexible law enforcement applications
  • Standardizes law enforcement processes



  • Avoids drivers deliberately brake to escape speeding behavior when seeing the fixed speed detection sites effectively
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, speed, vehicle color, make, type
  • Provides Temporary traffic enforcement
  • Covers multiple lanes and large traffic flow
  • Detects speeds with High accuracy



  • Regulates driving, reduces speeding violations to reduce traffic accident ratio and improves main road traffic safety
  • Combines Driver behavior and vehicle characteristic information to locate evidence quickly and accelerate incident resolution



  • High accuracy of vehicle feature information detection
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, speed, vehicle color, make, type. Phone use, seatbelt status and other violations detection
  • Automatic vehicle feature detection, capture, and upload
  • Violation information export
Solution with all-rounder traffic cameras



  • Forecasts traffic flow and detects congestion in real time, helping management teams make smart decisions to relieve traffic and keep traffic flowing on major roadways
  • Delivers road traffic conditions in real time, helps traffic police teams make better traffic guidance decisions, maintains traffic order quickly



  • Collects traffic data including traffic flow, speed, status, queue, time headway, space headway, number of parked vehicles in area, average delay, space occupancy, time occupancy
  • Detects and reports road status: Smooth, slow, or congested

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Bus lane


Granting “Bus priority” is a common approach to resolving urban traffic jams, but drivers of private vehicles often occupy bus  parking practices often appear. Lack of violation evidence makes response difficult and congestion unavoidable.

ההצעה שלנו

24/7 live video captures violation practices and collects evidence in high definition for suitable response, warning illegal drivers on the bus lane and easing the strain on law enforcement personnel. 

  • זיהוי חנייה בניגוד לחוק
  • Vehicle feature information detection




  • Reduces illegal parking in Bus Lane
  • Prevents traffic congestion, keeps roadways moving smoothly
  • Video-based remote detection and parking violation management enhance efficiency
  • Standardizes law enforcement



  • Features more accurate detection of illegally parked vehicles with ultra clear close-up images
  • Supports auto switching and covers wide areas
  • Supports automatic image upload of illegally parked vehicles, facilitating efficient evidence management
Traffic PTZ cameras



  • Quickly locates vehicles on bus lanes, warns driver and/or automates citations to keep bus lanes clear and ensure passage of buses
  • Combines driver practices and vehicle feature  information to locate evidence quickly and accelerate incident resolution



  • High accuracy of vehicle feature information detection
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, vehicle color, make, type
  • Automatic vehicle feature detection, capture, upload and history search
  • Violation information export
Solution with all-rounder traffic cameras

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Urban roadside


Roadside space, a public resource in a city, is limited. At present, many countries use parts of urban roadsides as temporary parking areas only for short stays, but illegal vehicles tend to park for extended times. Lack of police force and violation evidence make response difficult and congestion unavoidable.

ההצעה שלנו

Live video 24/7 captures parking violations and collects high definition evidence for citations, warning drivers against illegal parking. Hikvision offers more accurate detection of parked vehicles with ultra clear close-up images.


זיהוי חנייה בניגוד לחוק



  • Reduces illegal parking on urban roadsides
  • Prevents traffic congestion, keeps vehicles moving smoothly
  • Video-based remote detection and parking violation management enhances efficiency 
  • Standardizes law enforcement



  • Detects and reports illegally parked vehicles that can easily cause road congestion or traffic incidents on urban roadsides
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, vehicle color, type
  • Supports automatic image upload of illegally parked vehicles, facilitating efficient evidence management
Traffic PTZ cameras

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Yellow box junction


Yellow box junctions are painted at intersections and critical driving areas. They are often found near institutions such as schools, hospitals, government buildings, etc. Vehicles are prohibited to park in a yellow box junction for extended times, but lack of violation evidence makes response difficult and congestion unavoidable.

ההצעה שלנו

Live video at Yellow Box Junction 24/7 capture violations and collects high definition evidence for citations. It acts as a warning to drivers who violate traffic rules and regulations.


Yellow box junction violation detection



  • Regulates traffic, reduces road violations to reduce the traffic accident rate, provides safety, guarantees for drivers and pedestrians
  • Improves traffic safety and order, provides safety guarantees for drivers and pedestrians
  • Prevents conflicts between police and citizens and enhances efficiency
  • Standardizes law enforcement



  • Detects the violations of illegally driving into the yellow box junction of a crossroad when there is congestion.
  • Detects yellow box junction violations
  • Abundant vehicle feature data – LPR, vehicle color, make, type

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Gore area


Gore areas are often set at overly wide, irregular, or complex intersections, and their function is to guide drivers to prescribed routes. Vehicles crossing the gore area increase accidents and congestion, seriously affecting road safety. Traffic police simply cannot dispatch officers at every gore area, every day, and therefore lack evidence to respond to violations. 

ההצעה שלנו

24/7 live video at gore areas captures violations and collects evidence in high definition for suitable response, and helps make drivers follow rules and regulations.


Crossing gore area detection



  • Regulates driving behaviors at ramps, reduces ramp violations to reduce the traffic accident ratio, and improves traffic safety
  • Reduces enforcement disputes caused by manual intervention to enhance efficiency
  • Standardizes law enforcement processes



  • Detects gore area crossing violations and records the whole violation process at the entrance & exit ramps of urban roadways
  • Abundant vehicle feature data supports LPR, vehicle color, type, and brand recognition 

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Urban roadways command centers


Command centers are essential for urban roadway management, covering daily routines like violations and emergency response. Current third-party systems at command centers lack of standard platform to manage large numbers of devices and complex processes.

ההצעה שלנו

Hikvision software and hardware are highly integrated as one full-stack system, making it easy to deploy. The modular and customized system covers all kinds of urban roadways scenarios.


Command center



  • Hikvision VMS provides a variety of functions that centralize the huge amounts of complex urban road data
  • The command center helps management comprehend real-time urban road status for smart decision-making and efficient enforcement, enhancing safety levels by reducing serious accident ratios and keeping traffic flowing



Centralized System: Manages all devices and resources

Vehicle Attribute Searching: Utilizes license plates or other information to rapidly locate vehicles

Alarm Center: Gathers all kinds of road notifications and alarms in one place

Violation Management: Manages violations with improved enforcement efficiency

Statistics Analysis: Provides key information like traffic flow and accident ratio

Dashboard: Helps management team to understand the overall status and make smarter decisions

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