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What’s DarkFighterX Technology?
In low-light environments, critical details can be easily missed by conventional cameras. Podczerwień poprawia ostrość obrazu w konwencjonalnych kamerach, ale nie zapewnia oddawania kolorów. We need more powerful imaging technology to tackle practical problems.
In 2013, Hikvision launched cameras with DarkFighter technology, featuring a larger sensor and a larger aperture than ever before. Now with the first dual-sensor design, cameras with DarkFighterX technology enable unparalleled brightness and vivid color, along with amazingly sharp, clear images in ultra-low light.
How does DarkFighterX work?
Based on the retina imaging which human eyes use to perceive color and brightness, Hikvision’s DarkFighterX technology employs two sensors — one for IR imaging, guaranteeing brightness and sharpness, the other for visible light, guaranteeing vivid color reproduction. These signals are then combined into one bright, full-color image.
*Note: Although with extreme light sensitivity, DarkFighterX still needs ambient light, such as moonlight, to function.
Where can I use DarkFighterX?
DarkFighterX can be used in a wide range of security scenarios, such as streets, railways, ports, squares, parks and anywhere colorful, high-definition images 24/7 are needed around the clock.
Which products come equipped with DarkFighterX?
Hikvision’s DarkFighterX technology enables a host of versatile products. Click a product category below to find out more.
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